Level 3
Games design
Unit 73
Sound for computer games
P1 Starter
A. 5 Different
games music and the mood
Buck Bumble theme – Happy/Hyped mood – The music
starts on the title screen of the game and the way it sets the mood would be
that it gets the player ready for a fast paced game that has lots of action in
Super Mario Bros theme – Happy mood – The music of this
game play through the hole game and it makes me enjoy playing the game and with
the good soundtrack and a good game it make the game fun to play and addicting.
Cod 4 theme – Mysterious/Action pact – The theme
of this game made me exited for it and I think that then music really hyped up
the game
Skyrim main theme – Action pact – The Skyrim theme is
quite intense and as it is playing through the intro it makes me feel excited
for the game as the music hypes me up to play the game.
Halo theme – Mysterious/Action pact – The halo
theme is quite smooth but the beat picks up more towards the middle of the
theme and this can make me look forward to the game and it also makes me look
forward to how the game will play out in the end.
B. Research
Music is important to games because it can set an atmosphere
of the game for example if it is a horror game and you do a sound affect that
sounds like a heart beating it can make the player feel like they are really
there. Music is also an important part to a game because it can keep you hooked
to a game.
“Music in videogames has proven to be the difference between
a defining emotional climaxes reaching its full splendour.” http://the-artifice.com/the-role-of-music-in-videogames/
C. What is Wavelength
The wavelengths of sound frequencies audible to the human ear
(20 Hz–20 kHz) are thus between approximately 17 m and 17 mm, respectively.
D.What is Foley
Relating to or concerned with the addition of recorded sound
effects after the shooting of a film.
They include sounds such as footsteps, clothes rustling,
crockery clinking, paper folding, doors opening and slamming, punches hitting,
glass breaking, etc. etc. The reason why it is called Foley is because the creator of it was called Jack Foley
E.What is Timbre
The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as
distinct from its pitch and intensity.
Timbre is a word that describes the tone or unique quality of
a sound. If you play the same note on a piano and on a guitar, each note will
have its own timbre.
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